Aussie Men Over 50 Continue to be Very High Risk

Australian men over 50 are at a high risk of serious injury or death as a result of skin cancer, particularly compared with Australian women of the same age.

Take a look at this quick video as reported by Kristy Reading of NBN News which gives a case study of what happens all to often across Australia.

The increased risk of skin cancer injuries for men over 50 is generally due to a number of factors, which include;

– amount of unprotected time in the sun as a youth
– high percentage of men working outdoors with a high exposure to ultra-violet radiation
– incorrect or infrequent application of sun protection products and strategies
– men are less likely to undergo a professional skin cancer examination or conduct a self-examination

This means that a significant portion of men of 50 in Australia are at a high risk of skin cancer.

Melanoma is the most aggressive and deadliest form of skin cancer. If not detected early it can spread quickly to other parts of the body and can be very difficult to treat. Spotscreen encourages all Australians, including men over 50, to seek a professional skin cancer screening at least once per year and don’t forget to protect yourself from the sun!

Author: Spotscreen
Spotscreen is Australia’s leading onsite skin cancer screening and corporate health provider, focussing on providing the highest quality of specialised onsite health programs for your workplace and local community.