Esther’s Melanoma Story

After originally having a mole on her temple biopsied, Esther Allen was told that all was safe.

Only many years later, after Esther noticed a lump by her ear, Esther discovered that the mole on her temple had in fact been melanoma. The most serious and deadly form of skin cancer.

The doctors explained that there had been a serious oversight, even though they were following approved guidelines. Esther did get an apology from the pathology department.

After an intensive surgery to remove 41 lymph nodes & parotid gland in an 11 hour marathon procedure, Esther tried to rebuild her life.

2 years on from the melanoma diagnosis, Esther had fallen pregnant with her first child.

Tragically 6 weeks after the birth of her child, Esther was told that she now had Stage 4 melanoma and it had spread to her lungs…

Read more of Esther’s encouraging story here.

Author: Spotscreen
Spotscreen is Australia’s leading onsite skin cancer screening and corporate health provider, focussing on providing the highest quality of specialised onsite health programs for your workplace and local community.